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Goal Line is one of the Defense Formations in Mutant Football League and in Dynasty part of the Insane Cults standard playbook Note There is also a Goal Line (Offense Formation) 3 Blitzers 3 Line Bashers 1 Enforcer The Goal line formation puts 4 Blitzers on the line to prevent short yardage plays Use this formation for goal line stands and 4th and 1 plays Center Blitz Cover Zone LeftThe Seattle Seahawks defense completes an epic goalline stand by pressuring Cardinals QB Kyler Murray into an overthrow on fourth down🔔Turn On Notifications To Never Miss an Upload! Goal Line With An Under Front Fnf Coaches Goal line defense stats

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Mountain Ranges of the HimalayasThe Himalayas are located on the border of Nepal, Tibet, and China Himalayas history around 30 Million years old that makes itThe Himalayas or Himalaya is a mountain range in the South Asia They cover approximately 2,400 kilometers (1,491 miles) and pass through the nations of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China (Tibet), Bhutan and Nepal The Himalayan range is made up of three parallel ranges often referred to as the Greater Himalayas, the Lesser Himalayas, and the Outer Himalayas Photos Of The Himalayas From Space Himalayan mountains on world map